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Partner Provider
Total dental solutions
Together for healthy and radiant smiles – our promise to dentists and patients.
For dentists and patients alike: A smile that represents quality sscdscddof life and well-being is our ultimate goal.

Osstem offers excellent quality in all products that I have come across so far.

- Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Matthias Kaupe, MKG Chirurg und Implantologe, Düsseldorf

CAS kit for the crestal sinus lift
Osstem’s CAS-KIT (Crestal Approach Sinus Kit) is an implant system-independent drill kit for the internal sinus lift and is optimally tailored to all common implant systems. It was specifically designed for simple and safe internal sinus lifting through a crestal approach.
Dental solutions
Discover our diverse product range! From high-quality implants to innovative surgical kits to practical equipment for your practice – we offer you a wide selection of products that enrich your everyday work. Immerse yourself in the world of innovation and quality. Learn more about our products and find exactly what you are looking for. Welcome to the future of dentistry!
Von A bis Z
- TS Implantat:
Subkrestales konisches Implantatsystem - MS Implantat:
Einkörperimplantat ohne Schraube, speziell für den schmalen Kieferkamm
- Zementierte und verschraubte Versorgungen
- Hybridlösungen wie Geroprothetik
- Analoge und Digitale Behandlungsoptionen
Chirugische Kits
- Sets für Implantatinsertion
- Kits für Sinuslift, resorbierten Knochen oder schmalen Kieferkamm
- Osteotomie Kits
- Guided Surgery
- Klein- & Großgeräte für verschiedenste Bereiche
- Behandlungsstühle
- Chirurgische Motoren
- Kabelloser Prothetikschrauber
- Intraoralscanner
- Knochenersatzmaterial
- Titanmembranen
- Natürliche Kollagenmembranen
- Bleaching