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Osstem Europe Meeting 2024 – LONDÝN

Srdečně vás zveme setkání Osstem Europe, se kterým letos zamíříme do Londýna. Přímo na stadionu Wembley se sejdou přední odborníci, experti a nadšenci, aby prozkoumali nejmodernější pokroky, sdíleli nejnovější poznatky a podpořili mezinárodní spolupráci v oblasti dentální implantologie.

V rámci příprav na tuto vzrušující událost bychom rádi zdůraznili, že proces přihlašování se liší v závislosti na zemi původu. Pro zajištění bezproblémové registrace doporučujeme účastníkům, aby se obrátili na své příslušné prodejce nebo pobočky.

Poznamenejte si: stadion Wembley, 22. – 23. 11. 2024





Klinické postupy pro okamžité zavedení a zatížení implantátů

– Clinical procedures for favorable immediate implant placement and loading –

Moderátor: Dr. Mukesh Soni | UK

09:30 | Dr. Nigel Saynor (UK)

Time of implant positioning: How to reach predictable results


The lecture will attempt to evaluate the success, complications, aesthetic outcomes, and patient satisfaction among immediate, immediate-delayed, and delayed implants in post-extractive sockets, as well as whether or not and when augmentation procedures may be found necessary and which, in the hands of the lecturer, is the most effective augmentation technique.

Learning outcomes:

  1. Recognize the potential pitfalls of immediate implant placement into fresh extraction sockets.
  2. Assess the timing of loading.
  3. How to avoid complications
  4. Management of complications

10:00 | Dr. Leonardo Muzzi (Itálie)

Timing of implant positioning: Do Immediate implants work?


The timing of implant positioning is crucial for long-term esthetics and functional results. The aim is to reduce the number of surgeries while at the same time achieving an optimal result, which is a primary goal of implant therapy. On this basis, immediate implants can be considered an optimal therapy to obtain stable and long-term results. The criteria to apply this therapy must be carefully evaluated in order to achieve better results without complications, and the use of new technologies can help surgeons and prosthetists have faster and more reliable results.

10:30 | Prof. Vygandas Rutkunas (Litva)

Improving implant prosthodontics through the total fit workflow


The success of implant-supported prostheses directly depends on the quality of treatment planning and implementation. Accurate planning and positioning of the implants enable minimal tissue regeneration procedures and simplify prosthetic procedures. Also, final prosthetic components can be fabricated before the surgical procedures and early loading protocols are applied. The integration of digital implantology and prosthodontics is the key to achieving better biological and technical outcomes. This lecture will cover a novel Total Fit Workflow (TFW) concept that helps to significantly increase the efficiency of the digital workflow in implant prosthodontics.


Úloha regenerace kostí pro zvýšení úspěšnosti osseointegrace

– Role of bone regeneration in enhancing successful osseointegration –

Moderátor: Prof. Ieva Gendviliene | Litva

11:30 | Prof. David Chong (USA)

GBR in Implant Dentistry: Essential or Optional?


In the dynamic field of implant dentistry, the concept of guided bone regeneration (GBR) has sparked significant debate among clinicians regarding its necessity and relevance in contemporary practice. This session aims to explore the fundamental principles of GBR and its role in enhancing implant success rates and long-term outcomes. Through a comprehensive examination of current evidence and clinical case studies, attendees will gain a deeper understanding of the indications, benefits, and limitations of GBR techniques. Key topics will include the biological rationale behind GBR, surgical protocols, the selection of biomaterials, and the management of complications. Furthermore, the lecture will address common misconceptions surrounding GBR and provide insights into its integration into everyday clinical practice.

12:00 | Dr. Ahmed Ashraf (Egypt)

The craft of decision making before, during and after ridge augmentation surgeries


Clinicians encounter cases with atrophic alveolar ridges in their daily practice that need complex management, starting from face-driven and prosthetic-driven planning to implant placement and choosing the right approach to restore the peri-implant hard and soft tissues. Ridge augmentation techniques have been out there in the literature for a significant amount of time for us to be able to recognize what works better for each clinical situation using an evidence-based approach. Building expertise in treating alveolar ridge defects enables clinicians to standardize and optimize the outcome of implant therapy and yields superior results with the final restorations in terms of aesthetics, function, and longevity, and that’s why we need guided bone regeneration.

12:30 | Prof. Silvio Meloni (Itálie)

Vertical and horizontal prosthetic and aesthetic Computer Guided Bone Regeneration. Resorbable or not resorbable devices: scientific and clinical evidences


The growing interest in biomimetic dental prosthetic restorations has led to the implementation of several bone and soft tissue regeneration procedures. A modern view in terms of alveolar crest reconstruction can’t disregard accurate prosthetic & aesthetic planning. The computer-Guided Bone Regeneration Approach is a scientifically supported method that approaches hard & soft tissue augmentation in accordance with 3D aesthetic and prosthetic pre-planning. During this lecture, scientific and clinical evidence on vertical & horizontal alveolar crest bone augmentation will be presented, using resorbable & non-resorbable membranes. In addition, a wide range of clinical cases showing rational choices and future prospects in terms of resorbable customized materials will be presented.


Stabilita měkkých tkání pro optimální estetické výsledky

– Soft tissue stability for optimal esthetic outcomes –

Moderátor: Dr. Árpád Joób-Fancsaly  | Maďarsko

14:00 | Prof. Péter Windisch (Maďarsko)

Implant site soft tissue management prior to augmentation and implant placement.


In the dynamic field of implant dentistry, the concept of guided bone regeneration (GBR) has sparked significant debate among clinicians regarding its necessity and relevance in contemporary practice. This session aims to explore the fundamental principles of GBR and its role in enhancing implant success rates and long-term outcomes. Through a comprehensive examination of current evidence and clinical case studies, attendees will gain a deeper understanding of the indications, benefits, and limitations of GBR techniques. Key topics will include the biological rationale behind GBR, surgical protocols, the selection of biomaterials, and the management of complications. Furthermore, the lecture will address common misconceptions surrounding GBR and provide insights into its integration into everyday clinical practice.

14:30 | Prof. Anton Sculean (Švýcarsko)

Management of soft tissue complications after implant placement. Etiology and treatment.


Clinicians encounter cases with atrophic alveolar ridges in their daily practice that need complex management, starting from face-driven and prosthetic-driven planning to implant placement and choosing the right approach to restore the peri-implant hard and soft tissues. Ridge augmentation techniques have been out there in the literature for a significant amount of time for us to be able to recognize what works better for each clinical situation using an evidence-based approach. Building expertise in treating alveolar ridge defects enables clinicians to standardize and optimize the outcome of implant therapy and yields superior results with the final restorations in terms of aesthetics, function, and longevity, and that’s why we need guided bone regeneration.

15:00 | Prof. Darko Božić (Řecko)

Xenogenous collagenous soft tissue matrices for soft tissue augmentation around implants.


The growing interest in biomimetic dental prosthetic restorations has led to the implementation of several bone and soft tissue regeneration procedures. A modern view in terms of alveolar crest reconstruction can’t disregard accurate prosthetic & aesthetic planning. The computer-Guided Bone Regeneration Approach is a scientifically supported method that approaches hard & soft tissue augmentation in accordance with 3D aesthetic and prosthetic pre-planning. During this lecture, scientific and clinical evidence on vertical & horizontal alveolar crest bone augmentation will be presented, using resorbable & non-resorbable membranes. In addition, a wide range of clinical cases showing rational choices and future prospects in terms of resorbable customized materials will be presented.


Objevte všechny výhody digitálního pracovního postupu pro léčbu kompletně bezzbubých pacientů

– Discover all benefits from a digital workflow for the treatment of complete edentulous patients –

Moderátor: Dr. Matthias Kaupe | Německo

16:00 | Dr. Nikhil Oberai (UK)

Full-arch dentistry with a focus on analog techniques


Comprehensive view of the surgical and essential considerations is vital to complexities inherent in full-arch procedures. Meticulous insights into a thorough pre-assessment and key factors in careful examination, is essential. To achieve optimal function and aesthetics for long-term success and patient satisfaction, both fundamental surgical principles and handling complex cases, techniques like the palatal approach, are critical. The tactile intricacies in bone manipulation, potential challenges in employing a solely digital approach, is discovered by integrating analog and digital methods. The lecture provides a comprehensive multifaceted landscape of full-arch, valuable insights, practical guidance, and essential expertise in this specialized field with precision and proficiency.

16:30 | Dr. Andrea Ricci (Itálie)

How to restore a terminal dentition: from esthetic diagnosis to follow-ups


The restoration of a terminal dentition is a critical task, involving key steps from esthetic diagnosis to subsequent care. Thorough pre-assenemnt diagnosis are crucial for a treatment that considers both the functionality and esthetics. By emphasizing digital technology and clinician’s role, the lecture defines “terminal dentition”, various restorative options, and the whole workflow necessary for predictable full mouth rehabilitations, from data collection to digital face, smile analysis, and planning. The lecture specifically emphasizes implant planning in relation to final prosthesis, follow-up care for the long-term success. By understanding the multifaceted nature of this complex process, dental professionals can deliver optimal functional and esthetic outcomes.

17:00 | Dr. Emanuele Clozza (UK)

FP1 Full-arch Implant Restorations with Photogrammetry


Treatment modalities in FP1 full-arch implant restorations have evolved, with the development of technique and technology progressing from multi-step complex analog procedures to streamlined digital production of immediately loaded 3D-printed prostheses and definitive CAD-CAM restorations. This presentation describes the challenges of full-arch implant intraoral scanning and demonstrates the accuracy of dental photogrammetry. The lecture will introduce current and novel digital workflows for transferring the maxillomandibular relationship for complete arch implant rehabilitation in edentulous jaws. The presentation will conclude by discussing three key factors in PF1 Full-Arch Implant Restorations: hard and soft tissue augmentation, guided surgery, and prosthesis digital design.


Získejte tipy, triky a techniky pro řešení komplikací v implantologii

– Gain tips and techniques for the management of implant complications –

Moderátor: Dr. Kyoungwon Kim | Korea

09:00 | Prof. Craig Barclay (UK)

Implant disease


Implant failure can be due to a combination of factors. Early failure may be due to a clinical error or the failure of the implant to integrate. Failure by the patient to keep the implant superstructure clean can result in gingival inflammation termed peri-implant mucositis. Late failure is often a result of peri-implantitis. A condition exists called apical peri-implantitis, which, although rare, can either occur due to overheating of the bone during placement or because of infected tissues being left at the apex of the osteotomy site. This lecture will explore the various disease processes affecting dental implants.

09:30 | Dr. Fadi Barrak (UK)

Is there a place for bioactive glass in implant dentistry today?


In the current world of innovation and research in biomaterials, there have been limited advancements in the field of guided bone regeneration materials. In this talk, Dr. Barrak will present some of the benefits of bioactive glass in other surgical fields and discuss the potential applications in dental implantology. Although bioactive glass is not a new material, it has been rarely talked about in dental implantology until now! The scientific background and potential clinical applications will be presented by Dr. Barrak.

10:00 | Prof. Marco Tallarico (Itálie)

Re-treatment of failed implants: from prevention to advanced hard and soft tissue management


Dental implants are a reliable treatment for partially and fully edentulous patients, but the increasing use by diverse practitioners has led to a rise in complications. Implant failure is multifactorial, and risks can be mitigated with better diagnosis and treatment planning. Peri-implantitis, defined by Workgroup 4 of 2017, is a plaque-associated condition causing inflammation and bone loss around implants. Re-treating failed implant sites with severe bone loss from peri-implant disease requires a different approach than initial implant sites. This lecture addresses re-treatment strategies, and key success factors, and provides a clinician’s workflow guide, emphasizing prevention as crucial to success.


Operační zákrok v přímém přenosu

– Live Surgery –

Moderátor: Dr. David Chong | USA

11:30 | Dr. Adeel Ali (UK)

Full arch implant placement in the maxilla with 4 implants and immediate loading on the same day

Sdílejte váš referát

Sdílení referátu na setkání Osstem Europe je ideálním způsobem, jak o své práci informovat širší skupinu kolegů z celého světa. Pro tento ročník londýnského sympozia OEM musí být všechny referáty zaslány elektronicky a budou zobrazeny digitálně. Více informací získáte prostřednictvím tlačítka níže.

Zjistěte více


Vstupenky v předstihu



  • Neomezený vstup na konferenci / osoba

  • 16+ lekcí a speakerů

  • Operační zákrok v přímém přenosu

  • Dva dny plné nevšedních setkání a hodnotných přednášek – to nejlepší pro vaší praxi

Vstupenky na konferenci


  • Neomezený vstup na konferenci / osoba

  • 16+ lekcí a speakerů

  • Operační zákrok v přímém přenosu

  • Dva dny plné nevšedních setkání a hodnotných přednášek – to nejlepší pro vaší praxi

Gala večeře


  • Vstup na gala večeři

  • 3 chodové menu

  • Jedinečná show v průběhu galavečeře

  • Příležitosti k navázání profesních i osobních vztahů s odborníky v oboru

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Kontakty na obchodní zastoupení v ČR

Vážíme si vaší účasti a snažíme se, aby byl váš zážitek ze setkání Osstem Hiossen obohacující a nezapomenutelný. Pokud se během procesu registrace setkáte s jakýmikoliv problémy nebo budete mít dotazy týkající se akce, neváhejte se obrátit přímo na obchodní zastoupení v ČR

Těšíme se, že vás můžeme přivítat na tomto jedinečném setkání dentálních odborníků z celého světa!


Jaký je poplatek za účast?


Who is the OIC?

OIC Europe je vědecká komunita, jejímž posláním je propagovat, šířit a sdílet znalosti o všech aspektech dentální implantologie a souvisejících tématech. Poskytováním vzdělávání a výzkumných aktivit vyvíjí OIC Europe bezpečná a přesná řešení léčby ve prospěch pacientů a lékařů.

Společnost Osstem Implant sdílí vizi OIC Europe a podporuje její aktivity, přičemž se věnuje neustálému výzkumu a vývoji nejlepších produktů.

OIC Board Member

  • President: Prof. Marco Tallarico
  • Education Committee Chair: Prof. Árpád Joób-Fancsaly
  • Communication Committee Chair: Prof. Ieva Gendviliene
  • Science Committee Chair: Prof. Darko Božić

Scientific committee for OHME 2024

  • Prof. Marco Tallarico (Italy), President of OIC Europe
  • Prof. Darko Bozic (Croatia), President of EFP (European Federation of Periodontology)
  • Dr. Arpad Joób-Fancsaly (Hungary), Chair of Education Committee of OIC Europe
  • Dr. Fadi Barrak (U.K.), Senior Lecture & Course Lead, MSc in Implantology University of Central Lancashire, U.K.
  • Dr. Nikhil Oberai (U.K.), President of OIC U.K.
  • Dr. Kyung-won Kim (Korea), Director of Dental Research Institute, Osstem Implant

Partneři a Média

Váš partner pro dentální řešení

Vítejte v Osstem – vašeho spolehlivého partnera pro komplexní řešení implantologie. Jako jeden z předích partnerů na trhu dentální implantologie nabízíme vysoce kvalitní produkty a také komplexní služby přizpůsobené vašim individuálním potřebám.


Náš specializovaný tým podpory je vždy připraven vám se vším pomoci. Chápeme, že vaše potřeby jsou jedinečné a nabízíme podporu na míru, abychom zajistili, že vaše práce bude vždy nejefektivnější.

Komplexní služby

Jako poskytovatel komplexních služeb nabízíme nejen vysoce kvalitní implantáty, ale také komplexní řešení pro úspěch vaší praxe. Spolehněte se na naše odborné znalosti napříč celým procesem, od plánování až po následnou péči.


Zůstaňte v čele implantologie díky exkluzivním akcím a školením OIC. Podporujeme neustálé vzdělávání, abyste mohli vždy využívat nejnovější technologie a osvědčené postupy.

Příznivé ceny

Transparentní a férové ceny jsou pro nás samozřejmostí. Zakládáme si na dlouhodobé spolupráci a nabízíme vám konkurenceschopné ceny bez kompromisů v kvalitě a službách.

Inovativní lídr

Jako lídr v oblasti inovací neustále prosazujeme nový vývoj, abychom vám mohli nabídnout nejmodernější technologie a materiály. Spolehněte se na inovace – spolehněte se na Osstem.

Kvalita z jižní Koreje

Důvěřujte prvotřídní kvalitě přímo z Jižní Koreje. Naše implantáty procházejí přísnými kontrolami kvality, které zajišťují nejvyšší standardy. Objevte dokonalost korejského řemesla.

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158 00, Praha 5, ČR

+420 296 238 870

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Not all products listed on this website have been approved and approved for sale and use by relevant authorities in all countries or regions. The areas of application may vary depending on the country and region. Please contact your Osstem Implant representative in your country for product availability and further information. All statements without guarantee. Subject to changes and errors. Product images similar and not to scale. The nominal diameter may differ from the actual diameter.

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